Questions you may have about our Church

Who is welcome at The Orchard Church of Christ?

We welcome ALL people to our community, just as Jesus did.  Our Mission statement that we live out is "Together with God, Extending Love to ALL" We believe that God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, Jesus, so whoever believes in Him will be saved (John 3:16) so we make room for all who are asking questions about faith, or who believe.

What to expect when I arrive?

Expect a warm welcome from our Hosts as you walk into the foyer, they will help you find your place and introduce you to some people.   If you have children, our hosts will introduce you to one of our Sprouts leaders.

What to wear?

We are an informal community that believes church should be enjoyed and not endured, so just wear clothes that you're comfortable in.

What about my kids?

We run Sprouts, The Crew and Justice League (Sunday School) at our 10:30am Sunday Service, during our sermon time.

The 9.45am service is a more formal worship space, during our 10:30am service we encourage our Kids to worship freely with us, engaging with community. 

We understand that children don't like to sit for long periods of time, so we ensure we have songs they can move to, including at least one song designed for children to understand and learn from.  If you're comfortable with your children moving around quietly during our worship time, we're happy for them to do so.

We break for coffee after our worship time, before entering our age engaging learning spaces. 

Our Kids learning spaces are:

Sprouts (age 2 - grade 2), 

The Crew (Grade 3 - Grade 6) 

Justice League (secondary school students)

9.45am Traditional Service

A traditional service with a quiet atmosphere.

We have a focus on using well known music, sharing in communion and prayer together along with a message

This service is designed to run for 1 hour to allow time to connect with families from the relaxed service at their coffee break.  The worship space for this service is then used immediately following the service by our Kids for their learning space.

10.30am Relaxed service

Relaxed and informal worship service.

Our children have an age specific learning time, which begins half way through the service, and our leaders are trained, child Safe and are required to hold a valid Working with Children Check if over 18 years.

We break for Coffee half way through the service to allow our Children to head to their learning space and be settled, allowing their parents to find focus for our teaching time.

Disability Access

We have disability access through all of our buildings with wide door access to all our community spaces and a ramp for wheelchairs between levels at Boronia or the option of entering through another external door. 

Church Oversight​

The Orchard Church of Christ is overseen by our member-elected Church Board along with our Ministry Team leader

Our current 2023 members are: